
Showing posts from August, 2019

Footsteps to Heaven - God's Radical Love Part 4

Episode #32: Part 4 of " God's Radical Love in the Domestic Church ” In the final part of the retreat, we look at the temptation in Genesis 3. Did you ever wonder why the serpent tempted the woman first instead of the man? And why Jesus came to earth as a man instead of a woman? Listen to what this reveals about the differences between men and women and recovering our true identities in God’s radical love! This series on God’s design for family life and the Vocation of Marriage was originally recorded live at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 2013. The handouts given to people who attended this retreat are available to you on our website at . Come explore our website on the  Vocation of Marriage  and subscribe to our blog,  Reflections for Couples . Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven - God's Radical Love Part 3

Episode #31: Part 3 of " God's Radical Love in the Domestic Church ” In part three, we think about how the hierarchical Church could better serve the domestic church. How could the Church nurture family life better? Or the vocation of marriage and the healing of relationships? From this, we will hear what the Holy Spirit is telling us about the ministries  we  are called to start or join. God wants to make changes in the Church through you and me! The artwork of the smiling Jesus, entitled “Come Unto Me” by Nancy Lee Moran, mentioned in this episode is included in the handout below. To purchase a print, go to  or . This series on God’s design for family life and the Vocation of Marriage was originally recorded live at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 2013. The handouts given to people who attended this retreat are available to you on our web

Footsteps to Heaven - God's Radical Love Part 2

Episode #30: Part 2 of " God's Radical Love in the Domestic Church ” This series on God’s design for family life and the Vocation of Marriage was originally recorded live at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 2013. In part two, we cover how the media other influences have been reshaping family life, stealing our children’s souls away from Christ. The good news is: God’s radical love can empower us to reshape the culture of our families. Listen in to find out how! The handouts given to people who attended this retreat are available to you on our website at . Come explore our website on the  Vocation of Marriage  and subscribe to our blog,  Reflections for Couples . Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven - God's Radical Love Part 1

Episode #29: Part 1 of " God's Radical Love in the Domestic Church ” This series on God’s design for family life and the Vocation of Marriage was originally recorded live at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 2013. In part one, we look at what God’s radical love means. It’s the root of all successful Christian living. It’s the root of our joy. It’s the root of our connection to God and our connection to each other, including loved ones who have gone home to heaven. Do you need this in your family relationships today? Listen in! The handouts given to people who attended this retreat are available to you on our website at . Come explore our website on the  Vocation of Marriage  and subscribe to our blog,  Reflections for Couples . Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven - The Way of the Eucharist is Out the Door

Episode #28: Part 9 of "Going Deeper into Mass" - THE FINAL BLESSING What do you think is the high point of the Mass? What is the high point for you? Is it when you received forgiveness in the penitential rite? Is it when you received Jesus in the Eucharist? Or is it the final blessing of the Mass? Everything that happened during Mass is intended not only for our benefit but for the sake of others. In the final blessing, Jesus in the priest blesses us so that we can go out the door and be successful in continuing to live the life of Christ. Think of the Mass as a sort of wedding ceremony, like the renewal of wedding vows. Every Mass is a recommitment of our faithfulness to Christ and a renewal of our openness to his commitment to us. But like every wedding, the wedding day is not the most important day. More important is the marriage that follows. This concludes the series on Going Deeper into Holy Mass. It will be available to parishes as part of a package for adult fait

Footsteps to Heaven - The Eucharistic Experience of Heaven

Episode #27: Part 8 of "Going Deeper into Mass" – THE EUCHARIST AND COMMUNION RITE In this episode, Terry Modica covers the apostolic succession that makes it possible for bread and wine to become the body and blood of Jesus, why Jesus called his blood the new and everlasting covenant, and the dialog we have with Jesus as we receive him. She also answers the question: Why do we pray for Jesus to come “under my roof” just before we receive him in the Eucharist? Stay tuned for the rest of this series going deeper into Holy Mass. You might also be interested in our video series on this topic, entitled " Take, Eat, and Drink ". This is a set of 17 short segments (three to five minutes) that is used by catechists but is also good for personal use. Each video ends with a question for personal reflection or group discussion. See it @ Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes.