
Showing posts from October, 2019

Footsteps to Heaven - The Apostolate of the Laity in the Church Crisis - Part 3

Episode #48:  It was a prophetic message, given in the 1960s -- more true today than when it was originally written. In Chapter 2 of "The Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity" from Vatican Council II, it says, "Since in our own times new problems are arising and very serious errors are circulating which undermine the foundations of religion" (so obvious now in the Church), "the moral order" (increasing the immorality of so many priests), and human society itself..." the lay faithful have a very important apostolate of renewing the Church from within. Many people have asked me down through the years what does Jesus want them to do about the sins they witness in priests. Part 3 in this series answers that question. Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to . For more faith-builders, visit us at .

Footsteps to Heaven - Jesus vs. Demons in the Vatican

Episode #47:  Jesus is shedding his holy light on the demonic activities in the Church to expose it, because he’s saying, “Enough is enough! I’m about to do something that is going to change the Church from within because the Devil has been trying ruin the Church from within.” A Brazilian bishop, Bishop Emeritus José Luis Azcona Hermoso, said in an Oct. 20 homily that Pope Francis’ Oct. 4 ceremony in the Vatican gardens prior to the opening of the Amazon Synod, where people prostrated themselves before pagan idols, was a “scandalous, demonic sacrilege.” He pointed out that a genuine illumination from the Holy Spirit is required: “We should distinguish between what comes from Satan or from the human mind, or from what is of the Holy Spirit. This discernment is fundamental in order to belong to the Church and even more so to evangelize.” In this episode, Terry Modica reveals some surprising conclusions from his homily. Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep thi

Footsteps to Heaven - The Apostolate of the Laity in the Church Crisis - Part 2

Episode #46:  "In the Church there is a diversity of ministry but a oneness of mission.... The laity share in the priestly, prophetic, and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own share in the mission" -- which today includes purifying the Church from the evil infiltration of sin. We are digging into Chapter 1 of  The Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity  from Vatican Council II to reveal God's plans for the lay faithful in today's world, especially in the problems that today's Catholics have with Pope Francis and corrupt bishops. We have a shared mission that depends on us for success! Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to . For more faith-builders, visit us at .

Footsteps to Heaven - The Apostolate of the Laity in the Church Crisis - Part 1

Episode #45 : I hear a lot of doubt about Pope Francis. But we need to remember that the Holy Spirit was involved in his election. God has given us the pope that we need right now. This pope's lack of clarity, which makes many wonder if he is compromising the truth, is being used by God to get our attention. God wants us to rely on  him  for guidance, not on our priests, not even on our pope. We are in the Age of the Holy Spirit, which began when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit makes very clear what the truth is – through Scripture and through the Church documents that have accumulated since the first Apostles. But we have not been learning the Church documents. So now we need to do some catching up. God is using the papacy of Pope Francis to get us all fired up so that he can set us loose upon the world -- a world that the devil has infected so thoroughly that our mission has become extremely important. This is Part 1 of a series on what the  Decree on

Footsteps to Heaven - What is God doing in the Church Crisis?

Episode #44:  When the sex abuse scandals first came to light two decades ago and the bishops met and made some policies to protect minors, I predicted that God was not finished purging the Church of abusive clergy. The bishops did too little. There are other kinds of abuses and all are terribly sinful. In this episode, I share how I’ve dealt with abusive priests. While this exposes more about the crisis of sin, it also shows the power of prayer for stopping abuses. By asking, “What is God doing in the Church Crisis?” we find the divine purpose that each of us are called to embrace. Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to . For more faith-builders, visit us at .

Footsteps to Heaven - When all seems bleak

Episode #43: When a crisis happens and there seems to be no solution, or when a problem brings darkness and there seems no way out, God has a plan. Jesus as our Redeemer always wants to redeem bad things that happen, turning them into blessings. To find God’s help, we need to trust him. Proverbs 3:5 instructs us to trust him instead of leaning on our own understanding of the situation. Terry Modica explains how to do it by sharing her own recent experience as an example. Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to . For more faith-builders, visit us at .

Footsteps to Heaven - He heals the brokenhearted

Episode #42: How does God heal us when our hearts are broken? When does he heal us? What do we need to do to make ourselves more available to the healing of our hearts? Where does God do the healing? Terry Modica provides answers to these questions and shares what God has done to heal her own broken heart. You know someone who needs to hear this episode. Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to For more faith-builders, visit us at .

Footsteps to Heaven - Part 6 Rebuking the Devil

Episode #41:  What are the tools for defeating demons that Jesus has placed in our hands? With the humble power of prayer, we can do much. The Sacraments give us supernatural graces that conquer the devil. Here’s how to free yourself from the ways the devil has been interfering in your life. Dare to be on the side of Christ so strongly that the devil flees from you. Good News Ministries has resources to further help with this, including  The Prayer of Authority to Conquer Demons , which is a mighty weapon against evil strategies and demonic interference:   This series uses the book  Rebuking the Devil  by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops about Pope Francis' teachings on defeating Satan. The book can be ordered from the USCCB at  or from Amazon at  (US residents, please choose Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay for the charity your purc