
Showing posts from May, 2019

Footsteps to Heaven - How to ask so miracles do happen

Episode #11:  In John 14:12 & 13, Jesus says to us, “Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works that I am doing and even greater things. And  I will do whatever you ask  in My name, so that the Father may be glorified.” Well then, why do we have unanswered prayers? Terry Modica uses an often over-looked clue in this scripture to turn your prayer requests into miracles. Also see these WordBytes from her ministry: Please help us continue producing more episodes of Footsteps to Heaven. If you believe that this podcast show is important, please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven - God is defending you

Episode #10:  Do you feel like you’re on trial? Is someone misjudging you? In this podcast, Terry Modica unpacks 8 scriptures to assure you that God is defending you. Jesus said that he would give his Holy Spirit to us to be our Advocate. But before the Holy Spirit, Jesus was our Advocate, and before that, the Father was our Advocate. There is no reason to be self-defensive. God has our backs! Also see these prayer resources: A Prayer to the Holy Spirit @ Novena to the Holy Spirit @

Footsteps to Heaven - The virtue that releases faith

Episode #9:  The greatest virtue that releases our faith is submission to the Holy Spirit. This enables us to recognize the voice of Jesus and hear his guidance, his concern for us, and his desire to work miracles in our lives. It enables us to feel the generous love of the Father. And it frees us to do mighty things for the kingdom of God and to transform the world. Terry Modica shares stories from her life to illustrate how this virtue releases supernatural faith. This podcast includes a simple, easy spiritual exercise that can help you overcome your human nature’s desire to be in control. To further the releasing of supernatural faith, use our  video courses on life in the Holy Spirit .

Footsteps to Heaven - The sin that blocks faith

Episode #8: When we identify the sin that interferes with our faith in God, we can overcome it to grow in holiness and live the way God intended -- with the same miraculous faith as the first Christians that we read about in the Book of Acts. The biggest sin is culture-wide, it has infiltrated the Church, and we easily give into it every day. We can change that! And in so doing, we will become more alive in the faith and – if enough of us repent from this sin – we will transform the world. (If you believe that Good News Ministries’ podcasts are important enough to continue, please support this work with a donation . If you’d like to sponsor upcoming episodes, go to .)

Footsteps to Heaven - How God brings our loved ones to Christ

Episode #7:  John 14:12 is an amazing command from Jesus. God wants to work supernaturally through us to bring others to conversion and faith growth. None of us can convince our loved ones who are rejecting Christ to change their minds and become faith-filled believers -- not by our own efforts. God needs to intervene with supernatural help. This is why Jesus said, "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these." What was the work of Jesus? Everything he did was for the sake of the salvation of souls. Preaching the truth was just part of how he served as Savior. He also did supernatural works: healing diseases, raising people from the dead, multiplying the food -- etc. When he sent his disciples out to help him with his mission, he gave them the power to do what he did. Later, after his death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit empowered every follower of Christ to do the same. If you

Footsteps to Heaven - How to bring loved ones to Christ

Episode #6: It's heart-breaking to love someone who is stubbornly rejecting the truth about Jesus. It's hard to watch them suffer the worldly effects of not turning to him to let him be their Savior. You know how important faith in Christ is for their life now, and -- the biggest heart-wrencher -- you fear that they won't spend eternity with you in heaven. We are called and commissioned by Christ to evangelize. But how can we do this successfully for the ones we care about most?

Footsteps to Heaven – Episode 5 – How to Detect God’s Signs for You

Hebrews 2:3-4 holds the key to experiencing joy even in the midst of trials and sufferings. When we know that God truly cares about our problems, this gives us reason to rejoice. God always reassures us that he cares and that he's involved in helping resolve our problems; he does it by giving us signs. Learn how to identify the divine interventions that he's providing for you right now, today.

Footsteps to Heaven – Episode 4 – Defeating Satan’s Biggest Strategy

Satan's #1 strategy in today's world is the disempowering of Christians so that we cannot successfully evangelize non-believers and doubters. In John 14:6-14, Jesus tells us the key to defeating this strategy. We must proclaim the truth about Jesus. However, this is only the first step! People do not become believers in Christ because we tell them that he is the only way to reach heaven. People become believers because they discover that (1) he is real, and (2) he cares about them, and (3) he is more powerful than all the evil they have been suffering. It is hard for non-Christians to believe in Christ when they have not witnessed miracles. The problem is -- the thing Satan is counting on -- is that it is hard for us Christians to have enough faith in Christ to evangelize others if we have not witnessed miracles in the midst of our own sufferings. God wants to change that. God is calling each of us to become his venues of truth and divine power. We are the voice of Christ i

Footsteps to Heaven – Episode 3 – How to Forgive When It's Difficult

Is there someone in your life who's difficult to forgive? Terry Modica shares from personal experience and from scripture how to do it and why. Forgiveness does not mean everything is going to be okay. But it does mean that the person who has hurt you no longer has control over you. Protection is part of healthy forgiveness. After listening to this podcast, you can find helpful articles by Terry on the Good News Ministries website at .