Footsteps to Heaven - How God brings our loved ones to Christ
Episode #7: John 14:12 is an amazing command from Jesus. God wants to work supernaturally through us to bring others to conversion and faith growth. None of us can convince our loved ones who are rejecting Christ to change their minds and become faith-filled believers -- not by our own efforts. God needs to intervene with supernatural help. This is why Jesus said, "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these." What was the work of Jesus? Everything he did was for the sake of the salvation of souls. Preaching the truth was just part of how he served as Savior. He also did supernatural works: healing diseases, raising people from the dead, multiplying the food -- etc. When he sent his disciples out to help him with his mission, he gave them the power to do what he did. Later, after his death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit empowered every follower of Christ to do the same.
If you have teen or adult children who have left the Church, you can find helpful prayer resources on our website. See our Prayers for Parents at
If you have teen or adult children who have left the Church, you can find helpful prayer resources on our website. See our Prayers for Parents at
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