
Showing posts from June, 2019

Footsteps to Heaven –The Healing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Episode #19:  What causes the Sacred Heart of Jesus to break? Well, in what ways are you suffering? Jesus suffers with you. Who has broken your heart? Jesus is broken-hearted with you. Which of your loved ones have been rejecting Christian faith and morality? How have you been misled into Satan's territory? How have you been tricked by his deceptions? This breaks Jesus's heart, too. What heals the Sacred Heart of Jesus? The same thing that heals your heart! In this episode, Terry Modica shares three steps that will heal your heart while also serving as healing balm for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For a  Prayer to Place Your Child into the Sacred Heart of Jesus  using the prayer of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, visit our website: parents/sacred-heart-novena/ Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes. sponsorship

Footsteps to Heaven – Will I Be Persecuted For This Episode?

Episode #18:  A frank and honest look at what happens when priests do not have an active and alive, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. When it causes suffering and drives people away from the Church and from Christ, it is "diabolical" (quoting from Bishop Robert Barron's " Letter to a Suffering Church "). It shows up in homilies that preach heresies, in nit-picking without compassion about the norms for Mass, for example, the "right" way* to receive the Eucharist, and in abuses that, because they are not victimizing children, remain covered up and undealt with. *This episode includes what the  General Instruction on the Roman Missal  actually says and means about the "right" way. For more information, see Terry Modica’s article " The correct posture at Mass: Can we genuflect when receiving Communion? " at . Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please spo

Footsteps to Heaven – Faith that smashes strongholds

Episode #17:  What do you wish could be better? Your life? Your relationships? Your faith? If it were better, what would it look like? The first step in making anything better is to envision what better really means. Then ask: How does Jesus envision it? What are Father God's dreams for me in this? What is the Holy Spirit telling me about it? In this episode, Terry Modica shares how to break through the strongholds in your life so you can have a better, stronger faith. For more information about the book she mentions, “30 Days to the Heart of the Father”, go to Modica/30-days-to-Abbas-heart/ Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes. sponsorship

Footsteps to Heaven – How to overcome the pain of frustration

Episode #16:  Feeling frustrated? Want to get rid of it? Here are 8 steps for finding true and lasting inner peace no matter what is going on around you and who is causing it. This episode is in shorter form as a WordByte on our website: Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven – Spiritual exercises for supernatural faith

Episode #15:  If you want to experience all that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you, rather than live a mediocre faith, use the Penitential Rite during Mass as a spiritual exercise. We have given in to the ways of the world – believing lies that Satan wants us to believe – and this is stifling the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Terry Modica teaches spiritual exercises that strengthen what is weak so that you can become who you really are as a believer in Christ: a saint! Do you believe more people should hear this podcast show? Please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven – 3 ways to un-stifle the Spirit

Episode #14:  It’s time we reclaimed what is rightfully ours as followers of Christ: a faith that works miracles. A faith that fulfills the promises made by Jesus! Read the Bible -- the New Testament -- to find all the times when the supernatural happened and ask, “Is this happening in my life?” And if the answer is no ask, “Why not?” The answer is in your relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Devil is afraid of what you will do if you become fully aware of what you can accomplish through the Holy Spirit. In this podcast, Terry Modica names eight ways that we stifle the Spirit and identifies three ways to un-stifle the Spirit. If you believe that this podcast show is important enough to continue, please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven – 7 phases in the battle for union with Christ

Episode #13:  The daily hardships we experience are affected by Satan  and  the prayers that we do  and  our connection to Christ. How much are your hardships demonically influenced? Some hardships are simply because we live in an imperfect world, but how do you know when you should take action against demons? In this episode, Terry Modica reveals the 7 phases of spiritual growth that lead to a life of joy in the Lord during hardships. After listening to this empowering message, you can find further encouragement and helpful tips on the Good News Ministries website at If you believe that this podcast show is important enough to continue, please sponsor upcoming episodes.

Footsteps to Heaven – The 4-second prayer that defeats Satan

Episode #12:  Why is it that we expect less, not more, from God? Why are we not living a miraculous faith? Why do we receive less from God instead of the abundant "more" that he actually wants to give us? Listen to this important episode. Satan is doing everything he can to disempower the Church, because we are a huge threat to him. Satan doesn’t want us to fully grasp the truth about what we can receive from God, because with it we can change the world. So here’s a 4-second prayer that immediately defeats him. Download the prayers and scriptures and the spiritual exercise of this podcast by going to the transcript at Find the recommended three mini-courses on the Holy Spirit at If you believe that this podcast show is important enough to continue, please sponsor upcoming episodes.