Footsteps to Heaven – Will I Be Persecuted For This Episode?

Episode #18: A frank and honest look at what happens when priests do not have an active and alive, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. When it causes suffering and drives people away from the Church and from Christ, it is "diabolical" (quoting from Bishop Robert Barron's "Letter to a Suffering Church"). It shows up in homilies that preach heresies, in nit-picking without compassion about the norms for Mass, for example, the "right" way* to receive the Eucharist, and in abuses that, because they are not victimizing children, remain covered up and undealt with.

*This episode includes what the General Instruction on the Roman Missal actually says and means about the "right" way. For more information, see Terry Modica’s article "The correct posture at Mass: Can we genuflect when receiving Communion?" at

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