Footsteps to Heaven - The Apostolate of the Laity in the Church Crisis - Part 1

Episode #45: I hear a lot of doubt about Pope Francis. But we need to remember that the Holy Spirit was involved in his election. God has given us the pope that we need right now. This pope's lack of clarity, which makes many wonder if he is compromising the truth, is being used by God to get our attention.

God wants us to rely on him for guidance, not on our priests, not even on our pope. We are in the Age of the Holy Spirit, which began when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit makes very clear what the truth is – through Scripture and through the Church documents that have accumulated since the first Apostles. But we have not been learning the Church documents. So now we need to do some catching up. God is using the papacy of Pope Francis to get us all fired up so that he can set us loose upon the world -- a world that the devil has infected so thoroughly that our mission has become extremely important.

This is Part 1 of a series on what the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, from Vatican Council II, reveals about God’s plans to work through the lay faithful in the purification and healing of our Church.

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