Footsteps to Heaven - The Life-Changing Liturgy of the Word

Episode #23: Part 4 of "Going Deeper into Mass" - THE LITURGY OF THE WORD

It's important to really have an open mind and heart and to really listen to what God wants to say to us throughout the Holy Mass. He speaks most clearly during the Liturgy of the Word. It’s meant to change us! And it’s meant to empower us to go out from church and change the world. This is why the ministry of reading the Word of God – and cantoring the psalms -- is the work of evangelization.

Stay tuned for the rest of this series going deeper into Holy Mass.

You might also be interested in our video series on this topic, entitled "Take, Eat, and Drink". This is a set of 17 short segments (three to five minutes) that is used by catechists but is also good for personal use. Each video ends with a question for personal reflection or group discussion. See it @

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