Footsteps to Heaven - The Gift God Gives Everyone for Healing and Renewal

Episode #59: Stressed out? Tired? Suffering from troubles? Jesus said (Mark 2:27), “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” Sabbath rest is a gift from God for our healing and renewal. It’s so vital to our well-being that God commanded it. To keep the day sacred, we need to do more than go to church. We need to make ourselves fully available to God so he can minister to us. Why does the story of creation in Genesis say God rested on the 7th day? Not because he was tired! God doesn’t need to rest. But we sure do. Terry Modica reveals why obeying this commandment is a gift from the Lord. She also explains why our day of rest is Sunday and not the Hebrew tradition of Saturday.

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