Footsteps to Heaven - Coronavirus and God's Protection

Episode #65: What's the best way for us as Christians to handle the coronavirus pandemic? Do non-believers see us handling this pandemic any differently than the rest of the world? God wants to minister to others through us so we can show non-believers that Jesus Christ is real, Jesus Christ cares, and Jesus Christ is a healer! But are we truly faith-filled enough for this? The coronavirus pandemic is testing our faith. At such a time as this, we need a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit more than ever.

In this episode, Terry Modica also gives a frank analysis of what the Church is doing right and what our bishops and parish priests are not (yet) doing to increase the faith of the people during the coronavirus crisis. When they cancel Masses to protect people, guess who is happy about it: the devil! Let's fight the coronavirus as a Church who truly believes in Christ as our Protector and Healer.

For more on this, see the WordBytes article “Coronavirus, Chastisement and Cure”

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